Monday, May 23, 2011

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Headlines:Have a Better Investment Plan Than Bin Laden’s Escape Plan it does not take much cash to survive long in Pakistan, or Osama Bin Laden has the world’s worst financial planner. When he was found Sunday night, still warm with two SEAL bullets in him, he had an escape plan that seemed like it was concocted by a toddler. Bin Laden had, sewed into his outfit, 500 euros and two phone numbers. Other than that, he was apparently relying on some sort of underground railroad for maniacs.
It is unlikely that you, as an investor, will ever need to prepare for the day when Marines or Navy SEALS bust down your door and start shooting. It would, however, be prudent to have your own investment plan for the future, so you can read Benzinga and react to whatever the markets are doing.
A few things to think about, whether you’re a beginning investor or a seasoned pro, include your asset allocations, diversification, and your buying/selling strategy. Your age, your goals for investing, and your financial and time resources will all factor in to how you want to play the market.
Asset allocation is essentially going to be a product of your time frame (a young investor might have more leeway to go after higher-risk, higher-yield assets), your financial responsibilities, and your ability to absorb risk. Depending on those variables, you’ll want some mix of stocks, bonds and ETFs, among other things. You’ll want to consider staying domestic or going international. Do you take a gamble that China will keep growing? Do you jump into emerging markets?
Diversification is a simple concept of not putting all your money into one fund, one stock, or one market. Spread your investment dollars around, and you’ll spread your risk of losing all your money — either because of natural disaster, market crashes, or some other financial calamity, such as a Madoff-style scam.

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Headlines:Shortage of independent financial advisers looming at least one industry player is warning it will only worsen the country’s underinsurance problem.
So far the Financial Markets Authority has on its records 4953 registered financial advisers (RFA) and 454 authorised financial advisers (AFA). It expects the numbers to rise to 5000 and 2000 respectively by the regulation deadline, but that is still far less than the numbers the industry originally estimated.
AFAs and RFAs are considered “independents” compared to qualifying financial entity (QFE) advisers who are “locked” into giving advice on products they market. So far, the 63 QFEs on the register have an estimated 20,000 advisers among them.
Fidelity Life chief executive Milton Jennings said the decrease is not good for the insurance industry which is serviced by both RFAs and QFE advisers, and the retail investment industry which is covered by AFAs.
“We’ve got an underinsurance problem in this country. Less people selling insurance will only make the problem worse.”
He said the lack of independent financial advisers tilts the insurance market to favour banks that “are getting far better in insuring people”.
It will split the market with “RFAs on the high-end side of the advice market and banks in the transactional volume end of the market with the simpler type of products”.

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Headlines: Bin Laden fallout: Do US trains need a ‘no-ride list’? Sunday night, as he traveled from Washington to New York, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood says Amtrak brought sniffer dogs on the train at every stop.
Not surprisingly, Mr. LaHood says he felt safe.
But, are the rails really as secure as they can be?
The question is important considering that as part of its treasure trove of intelligence gathered up at Osama bin Laden’s compound, was a plan to try to disrupt rail transportation on the 10th anniversary of 9/11.
Considering bin Laden’s interest in rail – including bombings in Europe – some legislators are wondering if Amtrak should emulate airlines with a “no ride list,” that duplicates the “no fly list.” Unlike air travelers, rail passengers do not have to go through electronic scanning machines or have their luggage checked. And most Amtrak trains don’t have armed marshals aboard as some flights to.
“We’re going to look at all these security matters,” Mr. LaHood said at a press conference on Monday in New York. “We’re going to look at everything and then we’ll make a judgment with our friends in Congress and decide what direction we should go.”
This year, as part of the budget cutting process, Congress cut $50 million from a $300 million grant program that was supposed to be used to beef up rail security. In 2010, that grant program provided Boston with $21.9 million, New York’s Metropolitan Transit Authority $75 million, and Chicago $10.3 million.

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Headlines: Downs farmer planting the latest in corn technology and Tory Wentworth prepared to plant new refuge in the bag technology from Monsanto. (Photo by WJBC/Carrie Muehling)
McLean County Farmer Dennis Wentworth is among the first of farmers in the Corn Belt planting the newest biotech corn product this spring – DEKALB Genuity SmartStax RIB Complete. It’s Monsanto’s new refuge in the bag technology, which offers simplified planting without the need for a separate, structured refuge because the trait and refuge seed are blended into a one-bag system.
“This new refuge in the bag product will not require the 20% refuge that doesn’t have the newer genetics.  So you’re able to plant the entire field with the refuge in the bag and not have to separate out two different varieties in the same field,” said Wentworth.  “Typically with the refuge product in the past, you would go ahead and use a rootworm insecticide chemical, and this product will allow us not to use that product.  I think it’s another means of being good stewards and using plant technology to allow us not to use man-made products.  I think all us farmers are interested in doing a better job of being stewards of not just the soil but of the crop that we produce.”
Wentworth said he started planting a month ago, but  was halted by the rain two weeks ago and was just getting back to the fields on Friday.  The Wentworths and many other farmers in the area ran long hours this weekend ahead of the rain that is in the forecast for the next few days.

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Headlines:From poverty to the top of the world on Gertrude Street, Lionel Rose was a presence again. 
At the entrance to the Fitzroy gymnasium he helped set up for young Aborigines was a replica of the life-size bronze statue erected in his home town of Warragul. It was accompanied by a condolences book for passers-by to express their appreciation of the former champion, who died on Sunday.
Rose’s legacy is in part the inspiration he gave to young Aborigines to excel, and who, in boxing great Barry Michael’s words, ”Showed just how far an Aboriginal could go.”
Lionel Rose’s flower-strewn statue at Warragul yesterday. Photo: Pat Scala 
But his legacy is also the existence of the Melbourne Aboriginal Youth Sport and Recreation gym, perhaps better known by its former name of Fitzroy All Stars.
”Lionel was very much part of the drive to establish this,” its chief executive, Glenda Thorpe, said yesterday. ”This was very much the passion of Lionel and [its first administrator] Jock Austin.”
Aboriginal activist Robbie Thorpe said Rose understood that young people have energy to burn and that the sport had something to offer. ”It does something for them – they learn discipline and it’s their own people looking after them.”

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Headlines:Planning the First 100 Days: Green IS the Recession Solution! Petroleum Ceiling and the Limits of Growth
Since the credit crisis began, we’ve been hearing a lot about how investing in a ‚ÄòGreen New Deal‘, ‚ÄòA Green Economy‘, and ‚ÄòA Clean Energy Economy‘ will rescue us. But how, specifically, will green solutions be our savior, and why – at the end of the age of oil and a time of increasingly dangerous human-caused climatic instability – is this type of policy package so crucial for President Obama to implement during his first 100 Days?
Over the past few months, as I’ve talked about how our economy won’t experience a prolonged period of growth until we wean ourselves from our addiction to oil, I’ve referred to this limit on growth as the “Petroleum Ceiling” on our economy. What I mean – even now as gas prices have temporarily dropped due to recessional demand and investors’ flight to safety in the dollar (among other reasons) – is that as long as our economy is so foolishly dependent on oil, once the business cycle starts to heat up again, demand for oil will go up and with it, the prices of food, commodities and other critical goods and services – bringing the period of growth to a screeching halt.
We saw what happens when gas prices skyrocket this past summer, and fortunately now have a chance to take steps to break through The Petroleum Ceiling before a Peak Oil crisis hits that makes the credit crisis look like a day in Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood. The solution that the new Obama Administration should implement, as a slew of experts have declared, is to invest our tax dollars in something far more inspirational – and likely a considerably better investment – than bailing out greedy, irresponsible investment banks: a Green New Deal centered on the strategic proliferation of renewable energy and energy efficient technologies.

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Headlines: AT&T Courts Tech Support on T-Mobile Deal is hoping Silicon Valley will come out in support of the deal—or at least not strenuously oppose it—as the Department of Justice and Federal Communications Commission get deeper into their review of the transaction.
Regulators likely will be interested in hearing how the acquisition could impact the Valley, a key source of innovation that has …